Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Letters from Mikey (and the boys)

The above is a letter I received a couple of months ago; A letter from my boys in Boston...written on an 11x17 sheet of printer paper and sent by none other than Mike Audette, a continuation of the letters he's sent me..though I owe him at this point. Few of my Philly friends really understand the connection I have to my Boston friends. I'll try to put to words what exactly they mean to me...but the fact that they wrote this letter is explanation enough:

These friendships are the kind that have stayed with me, no matter where I am and what I've done in my life. I've been blessed with such friends at an early age..and to be honest, I never knew friendship to be any different from this, having nothing else to compare it to until I came to Philly. But I've yet to find a group of people who are so devoted to one another, that neither distance, nor time, nor circumstance has ever come between all of us. Don't get me wrong, Philly is wonderful and I've made true friendships here..but I've never known friendship in this capacity, that spans so long and involves so many amazing people...and I'm eternally grateful.

I love you guys. This letter came at a time when I needed it most.

1 comment:

A Timely Mystique said...


It's Anastasiya, from Free People
I miss you, we should hang out,

Your blog is lovely, as are you :)